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Resurfacing is the spray application of a specialty coating over an existing surface in your home and it is fast becoming a homeowner and investors first choice as a renovation option. Resurfacing not only looks fantastic it has a high quality long lasting finish, and best of all, costs far less than replacement. Jobs are completed in days not weeks so there are less interruptions to you and your family


Kitchen cabinets are Resurfaced in a finish and colour of choice. Kitchen Benches are Resurfaced in a Faux Granite finish from our Flintstone II range of colours.


Bathroom wall tiles and fittings are resurfaced in a high gloss colour of your choice, giving a new finish look and easy to clean surface. Our specialist coating seals tile grouting making it very difficult for dirt and mould to cling to the surface.


So give us a call or email and ask how we can update your home with Resurfacing today.

We are a member of Resurfacing Australia so you can be assured you are dealing with a thoroughly qualified resurfacer with the backing of Australia's largest resurfacing network.


The Resurfacing Process

Our process is systematic fusion. From the first, to the last step, our system is based on the fusion of our coating to your surface.

Step 1

Silicone removal and cleaning. We need to remove all minerals and substances from the surface that can interfere with the fusing of the coating.

Step 2

Acid or sanding. Depending on the surface, we will modify the existing surface to promote fusion.

Step 3

Repairs. We fill any cracks, holes and imperfections with a high performance water resistant filler.

Step 4

Masking the area to protect your home and furniture. Unlike renovating, you do not need to clear a remove, we simply cover any walls and items not being Resurfaced.

Step 5

Resurfacing. We apply the appropriate primer, coating and top coats required to give the surface a fabulous finish.

Step 6

Finishing. After the coating is dried, we tear down the masking and apply any sealant required in wet areas.

Once all 6 steps are complete, we leave your room ready for use.


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